Unlocking Investment & Value Creation Opportunities in Managed Services Providers (MSPs) and MSSPs

In the fast-paced world of technology, the excitement surrounding investments in Managed Services Providers (MSPs) and Managed Security Service Providers (MSSPs) is significant. As someone who is enthusiast about technology products and services, I am pleased to see the interest but also have faced immense competition with the buyer groups.

After numerous conversations with business owners, CIOs, and private equity professionals, I've gathered key insights that shed light on this thriving sector.

1. Robust M&A Activity

Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) have consistently thrived in the technology services sector. The recent surge in financial buyers entering the market has driven valuations even higher in 2022 and 2023. Particularly, the MSP and MSSP categories have garnered significant attention. Here's why:

  • Steady Revenue Streams: MSPs typically secure annual contracts, ensuring stable revenue streams.

  • Customer Loyalty: Customers are reluctant to switch unless they encounter service quality issues.

  • Critical Services: In a tech-dependent world, businesses rely on MSPs due to a shortage of skilled IT personnel.

  • Growth Potential: Savvy investors can discover numerous opportunities for expanding service lines, potentially doubling or tripling revenue.

Remarkably, over 70 private equity groups are actively seeking platform deals, some with existing investments in their portfolios. Evergreen, known for its record pace of acquiring MSPs, exemplifies the fervor in the industry (I lost one of the sellers, who was looking to work with them exclusively 😊)

2. Why the Hype?

Beyond the compelling business model mentioned earlier, several industry trends make the MSP market especially attractive:

  • Cloud Revolution: The shift towards cloud computing continues to drive the MSP market. MSPs are now offering services such as cloud migration, integration, and ongoing management to meet evolving business needs.

  • Security & Privacy: With the escalating cyber threats, MSPs are increasingly focusing on robust cybersecurity solutions. This includes managed detection and response (MDR), security audits, compliance management, and cybersecurity training to address industry-specific compliance requirements like GDPR and CCPA.

  • Remote Work Environments: The rise of remote work, accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic, has created a greater demand for remote infrastructure management and support. MSPs are providing solutions like virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI), collaboration tools, and secure access solutions (e.g., VPNs) to enable secure and efficient remote work.

  • Integration Expertise: Businesses require help with integrating various apps, incorporating AI and automation into workflows, managing collaboration services, and enhancing operational efficiency.

These trends are dynamic, and as technology evolves, businesses prefer focusing on their core products and services rather than becoming technology experts. MSPs bridge this gap, making their customers' lives easier.

3. Key Considerations for Investors

In addition to the fundamentals (stable revenue growth, a loyal customer base, and healthy margins), it's essential for investors to ensure that the MSP has a well-defined unique value proposition. Even if it offers a mix of services, clarity on its strengths and the value it brings to customers is paramount.

Furthermore, having a highly skilled and adaptable team of service engineers is an invaluable asset for an MSP. Technical prowess may not appear on the balance sheet, but it influences Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) scores, the ability to meet Service Level Agreements (SLAs), and lays the foundation for future growth. While hiring is an option, it can be challenging, especially in geographically constrained areas.

Similar to Software as a Service (SaaS) companies, metrics like Customer Lifetime Value (CLTV), Churn Rate, Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC), and various ratios should be tracked and analyzed for MSPs and MSSPs. Additionally, technical metrics such as ticket management, Mean Time to Detect (MTTD), and Mean Time to Recover (MTTR) are crucial. High-performing IT organizations achieve MTTD values ranging from minutes to hours, thanks to advanced monitoring and alerting systems.

4. Services Offered by MSPs and MSSPs

For those less familiar with the industry, here's a snapshot of the services provided by these companies, though not exhaustive:

  • Network & Server Management

  • Cloud Infrastructure Management

  • Security Monitoring and Compliance

  • Help Desk and Support Services

  • Data Backup and Disaster Recovery

  • Communications and Collaboration Tools

  • Software as a Service (SaaS) Management

  • Hardware Procurement and Management

Moreover, many organizations are transitioning from a break-fix model to a managed services model, presenting both challenges and opportunities within their existing customer base.

5. Conclusion

In conclusion, investing in an MSP, MSSP, or IT services firm can be highly attractive. However, success demands vigilance in addressing organizational and technological challenges, a well-defined growth plan, unwavering focus on metrics and processes, and the willingness to embrace the journey.


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2023: 3 Books, 3 Learnings