Business owners, Pause and Celebrate!

As an entrepreneur and as a manager, I have been guilty of this in the past. We all work hard, non-stop to build a wonderful product/service, achieve aggressive milestones, raise funding and then put our heads down and get back to work. But, celebration or acknowledgement of the work done is so much important and is even more critical to incorporate that in the process itself. Creation of a positive shared experience among team is utmost powerful!

Business owners especially are constantly fighting fires every hour. You need to find time and rejoice as the company thrives! Whether you've signed a significant customer, reached a product milestone or a funding breakthrough, you should set aside time to recognize these achievements.

Even though you're probably busy as a small company owner, you shouldn't disregard these accomplishments. In this piece, I'll go through the core advantages of commemorating your company's achievements, no matter how minor.

  1. Makes mission more achievable

    The mountain becomes easy to climb by breaking down larger objectives into smaller milestones. For example, if you place the burden of multiplying the scale of your business five-fold in two years, it will seem impossible. How on earth would you go about achieving that?

    However, defining a goal of a more minor increase in revenue, perhaps 15% every quarter, will seem more achievable and quantifiable. In addition, this method may adjust your strategy for the next quarter if you fall short of your objective the first time.

  2. Boosts morale

    Achieving your ultimate objective is fantastic, but what happens in the interim? Finding a strategy to keep motivated along the journey is essential since getting to the final aim may take years.

    This entails establishing goals for yourself to track your development and recognize each step you take toward achieving your final objective.

  3. Builds a camaraderie

    Any team will benefit from the unifying power of mutual goodwill. You often discuss strategy with your team if you recognize your accomplishments along the road.

    You'll discover that since they believe they are a vital part of the conversation, your staff members are more motivated to support the business's success.

  4. Forms culture

    Your success will mold your identity as a company. Numerous aspects of your company are influenced by how you handle setbacks and successes. Additionally, it will impact how your audience views your image.

    Another thing to remember is that your company's history is the road you followed to get there once you are nearing your ultimate objective. A succession of ceremonies is preferable to an uninteresting plot to honor the occasion.


Burnout is real, stories get lost, milestones sometimes forgotten but a shared experience becomes etched in our memories leading to an environment that is healthy, productive, and a generally lovely place to be in.


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